"Is it the intention to extend the definition of 'terrorism' to cover demonstrations, protests and political dissent?" Following the US initiative,
EU Governments want to Apply New Terrorism Measures
, by Statewatch.
24 September 2001
Islamic peoples are already victims of US power
, by John Pilger. 22 September 2001
Bush's War Plans likely to Violate International Law
, by Siddharth Varadarajan. 21 September 2001
The Clinton Administration supported the "Militant Islamic Network". A 1997
Congressional report provides evidence from official sources of the links between the Islamic Jihad and the US government
. 21 September 2001
Under "Operation Infinite Justice," President George W. Bush Wants to Bomb a Country which after Years of US imposed Economic Sanctions is affected by "an
Emerging Widespread Famine" affecting several million people. Read the FAO Report on Afghanistan: Summary
or Complete Detailed FAO Report
. "I owe it to the Country to Give an Explanation," said Bush. 20 September 2001
The Taliban could not have captured Kabul on their own. They were armed and commanded by "volunteers" from the Pakistan Army, which in turn was supported
by Uncle Sam. Getting used to the idea of double standards
, by Tariq Ali. 16 September 2001
Women of Afghanistan Speak Out:
"It was the government of the United States who supported Pakistani dictator Gen. Zia-ul Haq in creating thousands of religious schools from which the germs of Taliban emerged. As is clear
to all, Osama Bin Laden has been the blue-eyed boy of CIA." 16 September 2001
Osama bin Laden: Agencies of the US Government "Harbor" International Terrorism, Listen to "RealAudio" of Michel Chossudovsky interviewed by Dan Tsang
(30 minutes) at KUCI 88.9 FM, Irvine, California. See "Subversity" program details
. 16 September 2001
US Media Falsehoods on International Terrorism, read Folks Out There have a Distaste for Western
Civilization and Cultural Values
, by Ed Herman. 15 September 2001
"Who is Osama bin Laden
", by Michel Chossudovsky. 12 September 2001
Sowing the Seeds Of Famine In Ethiopia
, by Michel Chossudovsky. Genetically modified seeds imposed on farmers in developing countries trigger famine and social devastation.
10 September 2001
The Globalisation of Police Repression
and the techniques of Political Control used by Western democracies against protesters.
Genoa Police Unit Trained by U.S. Sheriffs
. The Genoa Experience
, eyewitness report by Andrew Arendt Wegerif. EU's Secret Network to Spy on
Genetically Manipulated Seeds granted as Foreign Aid. The United States Department of
Agriculture Says Yes to Terminator Technology
, by Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI). 29 August 2001
NATO Invades Macedonia
, by Michel Chossudovsky. NATO's ultimate goal is to protect rather than disarm the terrorists. Read the eyewitness report by
Scott Taylor
on how the terrorists were armed and equipped by "Uncle Sam." 29 August 2001
The Macedonian Prime Minister in a letter addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations
accuses the NATO of invading his country. 29 August 2001
Private military contractor in the Balkans
involved in alleged prostitution racket.
The same company has been sued by a former employees in Britain Dyncorp's British Subsidiary Sued in the UK
Report on forced prostitution in UN administered Kosovo. Read report of the International Organisation for Migration on "Trafficking in
. 29 August 2001