Centre for Research on Globalisation
Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation
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'Brutality smeared in peanut butter': Why America must stop the war now, by Arundhati Roy. 28 October 2001

Bombardements am�ricains en Afghanistan : �a suffit ! Pourquoi n'est-ce pas l'Onu plut�t que les �tats-Unis, qui sont juge et partie dans ce conflit, par Fran�oise David. 28 octobre 2001

Terrorism Meets Reactionism, by Michael Parenti. 28 October 2001

"America's new war will increase violence against women," War Frenzy. by Sunera Thobani, 28 October 2001

C'est la nation afghane qui devrait se charger de renverser les taliban. D�claration de RAWA au sujet des raids a�riens am�ricains sur l'Afghanistan. 28 octobre 2001

Women of Afghanistan speak out: RAWA statement on the US strikes on Afghanistan. 23 October 2001

The massacre of Khorum. Video and audio on the total destruction of the village of Khorum and the massacre of its population by US bombs (RealAudio, 6 minutes). 23 October 2001

"War and Globalisation": The "hidden agenda" is "to break Russia's monopoly over oil and gas transport routes" and militarise the Central Asian region. 1998 Congressional Hearing on "US Interests in Central Asia". 20 October 2001

Financial Scam? Speculative trade in American Airlines stocks in the days preceding the September 11 tragedy. Suppressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading lead directly into the CIA`s Highest Ranks, by Michael C. Ruppert. 20 October 2001

Who Terrorizes Whom? by Edward S. Herman and David Peterson. 20 October 2001

The Perplexing Puzzle of the Published Passenger Lists, by Gary North. 20 October 2001

Carta de los Premios Nobel a Kofi Annan. 20 de octubre 2001 20 October 2001

The Story we Hear on the News and Read in the Newspapers is simply not believable, by Stan Goff. 20 October 2001

"A form of McCarthyism appears to be sweeping the continent." Giving up on Canada -- and Critical Thought? by David Orchard 20 October 2001

A War for Domination, by Fred Goldstein. 18 October 2001

The Prison-Industrial Complex and the Global Economy, by Eve Goldberg and Linda Evans. 18 October 2001

Threat to Freedom of Speech: Canadian University professor accused of "hate crime" against Americans. 15 October 2001

Say What you Want, but this War is Illegal, by Michael Mandel. 15 October 2001

The "hidden agenda" behind this War is Oil. The Oil behind Bush and Son's Campaigns, by Ranjit Devraj. 15 October 2001

The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan preceded the Soviet Invasion. 1998 Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski. 15 October 2001

Alert: US Hints at Attacks against other Countries, Message from the Women`s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). 11 October 2001

The main justification for this war has been totally fabricated. "Osamagate," by Michel Chossudovsky. 8 October 2001.

In Macedonia, Washington and NATO have joined hands with Osama bin Laden in financing and supporting National Liberation Army (NLA) terrorists. Macedonian dailies see links between Albanian Rebels and bin Ladin 5 October 2001

"The bin Laden family has become acquainted with some of the biggest names in the Republican Party..." report in the WSJ, by Daniel Golden, James Bandler and Marcus Walker. 5 October 2001

�tre Arabe � New York, par Dominique Le Guilledoux. 3 octobre 2001

Pentagon hawks call it "Operation Infinite War", Hawks and Doves fight for Control of Campaign: America Weights up its Military Options, by Ed Vulliamy. 3 October 2001

Le n�oliberalisme est � la source du drame du 11 septembre. Qui s�me le vent, r�colte la temp�te -- les �tats-Unis ne font pas exception , par Omar Aktouf. 2 octobre 2001

While the Bush Administration spreads rumours on bioterrorism, US Policy Risks Undermining Bioweapons Control Regime , by Daphne Biliouri and Tamara Makarenko, Jane's Intelligence Review. 1 October 2001

Continuing US Fumigations in Colombia, United States Terrorism by Proxy by Liz Atherton. 1 October 2001

President George W. Bush had business contacts with the bin Laden family when he was in Texas oil and politics. George W. Bush's Dubious Friends , Intelligence Newsletter. 1 October 2001


Copyright �  Centre for Research on Globalisation / Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation,  Montreal, Qc.  2001/2002