Centre for Research on Globalisation
Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation
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Mililitary re-deployments in the Middle East in preparation for a wider conflict, Richard M. Bennett, 30 April

Elections pr�sidentielles en France: D�battre, clarifier, faire l'unit�, agir, Carr� Rouge, 30 April

Most Far-Reaching Gag Order In 1st Amendment History? Press Must Address Book-Reading Threat, Nat Hentoff, 30 April

Viewpoint from China: "New Empire" Theory challenged, People's Daily, 29 April

Russia-China Defense Pact Against US Expansionism in Central Asia, Vladimir Radyuhin, 29 April

New Zealand: The Plight of "Free Market" Reforms, by Aziz Choudry, 29 April

Chemical coup d'etat: The US wants to depose the diplomat who could take away its pretext for war with Iraq, George Monbiot, 29 April

L�Europe dans la bataille industrielle de l�armement, Interview avec Jean-Paul H�bert, le 29 avril

Are we on the road to war? Conn Hallinan, 27 April

Israel's Hamas, George Szamuely, 27 April

U.S. gave green light to Terrorists in Bosnia, Geostrategy-Direct, 27 April

Why the April 20 Protest can be called Historic, Brian Becker, 27 April

U.S. Media Interests: Champions of Profit, Propaganda and Puffery, John Stanton and Wayne Madsen, 25 April

"There was a decision to vandalize the civic, administrative, cultural infrastructure of Palestinian society": Operation Destroy the Data, Amira Hass, 25 April

Nouvelles interrogations sur le r�le de Washington au Venezuela, Marie Delcas, 25 avril

The Case for Bush Administration Advance Knowledge of 9-11 Attacks, Michael C. Ruppert, 24 April

Venezuela coup linked to Bush team, Ed Vulliamy, 24 April

The US facilitated the failed military coup in Venezuela, National Radio Project featuring Wayne Madsen and Gregory Wilpert (real audio), 23 April

Jenin, The Propaganda War, Tanya Reinhart, 23 April

Korea and the "Axis of Evil",  S. Brian Willson, 22 April

What is the Real Story around the Church of Nativity? Eyewitness report from Bethlehem, Ghassan Andoni, 23 April

US government links to Al Qaeda: US used Islamists to arm Croatia, Richard Norton-Taylor, 23 April

Venezuela: Not a Banana-Oil Republic after All, Gregory Wilpert, 22 April

September 11: Letter of US Citizens to Friends in Europe, 21 April

U.S. Shadow Over Venezuela, Conn Hallinan, 21 April

Wall Street Foreknowledge of 9-11: Massive pre-attack 'insider trading' offer authorities trail to accomplices, Kyle F. Hence, 21 April

Free Trade and the American Empire, Michel Chossudovsky (real  audio), 21 April

Who was behind the September 11 Attacks? Thierry Meyssan, 19 April,  [texte en fran�ais ] [[arabic ]

A Timeline surrounding September 11 (revised), Michael C. Ruppert, 19 April

Foreknowledge of 9-11: Four days before 9-11, a State Department memo warned of terrorist threat, Phillip Matier & Andrew Ross, 19 April

Vast displacement of native communities and uncontrolled ecological devastation: Plan Puebla Panama: Another Scheme Skewering Central America,                                               Ed Kinane, 18 April

Iraq War: The Coming Disaster, Immanuel Wallerstein, 18 April

The Imperial Counter Offensive: Contradictions, Challenges and Opportunities, James Petras, 17 April

Venezuela: "The Scent of Another Coup", Conn Hallinan, 17 April

Cheering on democracy's overthrow The putsch against Venezuela's elected leader failed, Isabel Hilton, 17 April

Congresswoman McKinney's efforts to hold government accountable, Catherine Austin Fitts, 17 April

Is it possible that the Bush Administration knew about the 9-11 terrorist attacks? Interview with Wayne Madsen and Rep. Mark Foley, Fox News, 17 April

Venezuela: El Departamento de Estado y la CIA habr�an apoyado el golpe Los rebeldes cre�an tener luz verde de Washington, Jim Cason y David Brooks,  16  de abril

CIA behind attempted military coup in Venezuela, William Blum, 14 April

Democrat Implies that Sept.11 was a Bush Administration Plot, Juliet Eilperin, 13  April

The Sharon-Ya'Alon Plan . The Israeli military and political leadership aim at the total destruction of the Palestinian authority, Tanya Reinhart, 13 April

Israeli Massacre in the City of Jenin, David Cohen, 13 April

Extra-Judicial Executions in Jenin Refugee Camp. PSPHRE, 13  April

Israeli Roots of Hamas exposed, Dean Andromidas, 12 April

Sharon's plan for getting rid of Arafat. The infamous 'Dagan Plan', Sylvain Cypel, [fran�ais ] [italiano12 April

Shin Bet, Israel's Domestic Security Agency played a key role in Israel's assassination policy, BBC, 12 April

Suppressing Democracy in the wake of 9-11: U.S. Military 'Civil Disturbance Planning', Frank Morales, 12 April

Interview avec Thierry Meyssan � TV5. Nouvelles r�velations sur le 11 septembre: "Si nous nous penchons sur l'attentat commis au Pentagone, nous constatons que la version officielle est un �norme mensonge..." 11 avril

Qui a commandit� les attentats du 11 septembre ? Thierry Meyssan, [arabe ] 11 avril

IDF Forces use Palestinian Civilians as Human Shields, B'TSELEM, 11 April

The Shadow of Dictatorship: Bush established Secret Government after September 11, WSWS, 11 April

The Palestinian People will not Surrender!, BADIL, 11 April

Impactos de la dolarizaci�n: En Buenos Aires y la periferia cerca de 6 millones de habitantes est�n en la pobreza, Stella Calloni, 11 de abril

Torture and Total Communication Ban in Ofer Detention Camp, Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories (B'TSELEM), 11 April

'We are rooted here' Israeli military lays siege to the Church of Nativity where more than 200 Palestinians, including women and children, have taken refuge, Khaled Dawoud, 11 April

As the Israeli army occupies Bethlehem: Solidarity under siege, Pascale Ghazaleh, 11 April

An Israeli View from Arafat's Compound, "It is the inaction of the international community that most shocks us", Neta Golan and Ian Urbina, 11 April

The Israeli Government begins a new Round of Atrocities against the Palestinian People and Refugees, Hambastegi, 10 April

Appel des intellectuels des Territoires palestiniens occup�s, 10 avril

Israeli military power, backed by the US, David Wood, 10 April

ONG isra�liennes d�noncent les violations des droits de l'homme dans les territoires palestiniens, 10 avril

Soutien verbal aux crimes de guerre en Palestine: D�lit moral ou p�nal ? Elias Davidsson, 10 avril

Destruction de l'agriculture en Ha�ti: Une zone franche sur des terres agricoles au m�pris des revendications paysannes, R�seau alternatif haitien d'information, 10 avril

Al Qaeda and NATO Join Hands in supporting NLA Terrorists in Macedonia, Marina Domazetovska, 10 April

Death and destruction wrought by the Israeli army in the Palestinian cities, Gila Svirsky, 10 April

Lettre de citoyens am�ricains � leurs amis en Europe, "Nous, citoyens des Etats-Unis, avons une responsabilit� toute particuli�re de nous opposer � cette folle course � la guerre", 10 avril

America's War Inc, John Stanton and Wayne Madsen, 9 April

Du 11 septembre 2001 � l'offensive Sharon:  La D�mocratie et l'intelligence exigent des r�ponses, Omar Aktouf, 9 avril

Criminalisation of the State: Bush Employs Iran-Contra Vets,  Tom Raum, 9 April

100 Killed in Jenin: Thirty-Three Palestinians Killed in Less than Twelve Hours, Palestine Media Center, 9 April

Palestine, Palestinians, and International Law, Francis A. Boyle, 7 April

"Operation Justified Vengeance" was a Secret Plan of the Israeli Military to invade and destroy the Palestinian Authority, Ellis Shuman, 7 April

Who is behind Osama? U.S. supported al-Qaeda cells during Balkan Wars, Isabel Vincent, 7 April

Hamas "connections" to the Israeli State, Dmitry Litvinovich, 7 April

Courage to Refuse - Israeli Combatant's Letter, 7 April

Not in Our Name! The Bush administration is determined to attack Iraq: "The Americans made clear they were prepared to use "low yield" nuclear weapons", John Pilger, 6 April

The Dangers of Nuclear War should be understood: Remember Hiroshima & Nagasaki! Do you really know how cruel nuclear weapons are? 6 April

War without Borders: Colombia War: "Highest Priority" of the Bush Adminstration, Kim Alphandary, 5 April

Israel's State Terrorism, Lev Grinberg, 5 April

Eyewitness report from Ramallah, Tzaporah Ryter, 5 April

Hamas are Sharon's Children, interview with Yasser Arafat, EIR, 5 April

Sharon War Plan Exposed: Hamas Gang Is His Tool, Jeffrey Steinberg, 5 April

Bad Posture; Bush's new nukes and far-flung bases take the war into a dangerous new phase, Doug Ireland, 4 April

Hamas, le produit du Mossad , "Le Hamas remplit la fonction pour laquelle il a �t� cr��: emp�cher l'av�nement d'un Etat palestinien..."  Hassane Zerrouky,  4 avril

Israeli "refuseniks" speak out: Open Letter to American Jews, Assaf Oron, 4 April

Unfolding Horror in Palestine/Israel, and the Complicity of the United States, statements by prominent Israeli intellectuals, 4 April

Les armes � �nergie dirig�e, le prochain avatar de la course aux armements, entrevue radio avec Fr�d�ric Loore, AlterEcho (Real Audio), 4 avril

Thoughts on our War Against Terrorism, Congresswoman Cynthia A. McKinney, 4 April

Walter Rockler, prosecutor at Nuremberg , "The US has discarded pretensions to international legality and decency, and embarked on a course of raw imperialism run amok.", The Economist, 4 April

En terre palestinienne: Des sc�nes de violence et de mort dans la cit� d�clar�e "zone militaire interdite" Mouna Na�m, 3 avril

U.S. Offensive in Latin America: Golpes, Retreat and Radicalization, James Petras, 3 April

Peace And Nuclear Disarmement: A Call to Action by Congressman Dennis Kucinich,  2 April

Enron is not "the only ponzi scheme on the block": Williams Companies: Enron II, Wayne Madsen, 2 April

Somalia: the next military stop in the U.S. war on terrorism, Dan Connell, 2 April

UN Security Council Resolution 1402  "calls for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian cities" (full text). Immediately following its adoption, the Israeli cabinet decided to expand its military operations in the occupied territories, 1 April

Palestine: House to house searches, Detainment and Executions , In Defiance of UN Security Council Resolution: Palestine Monitor, 1 April

The Al-Aqsa Intifada and Israel's New Military Campaign, Palestinian Displacement and Dispossession by Israel since 1948, BADIL Resource Center, 1 April


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