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In Memory of Edward Said: Palestinian, intellectual, and fighter, Edward  Said rails against Arafat and Sharon to his dying breath , Robert Fisk, 29 Sept
Wesley Clark fera-t-il demain le contraire de ce qu�il a fait hier ? Michel Collon,  29 Sept
Wesley Clark: Michael Moore digs himself a deeper hole, Stephen Gowans, 29 Sept
Changing "Horses": Wesley Clark's Record in Terror and Human Rights Violations , Michel Collon, 29 Sept
US revives Taliban tryst in Afghanistan, Syed Saleem Shahzad, 29 Sept
Bush at the UN�a war criminal takes the podium, Bill Vann, 29 Sept
Review Article: The David Kelly Affair, Steve Moore,  27 Sept
The Hunt for Weapons of Mass Destruction Yields Nothing, Julian Borger, Ewen MacAskill and Patrick Wintour, 27 Sept
Report from Baghdad, Lee Siu Hin, 27 Sept
Our Newest Savior - Wesley Clark, William Blum,  25 Sept
9/11 Coverup at Ground Zero: Selling Out the Investigation, Bill Manning,  25 Sept
Criminalization of the State: Bush & Co. Fear Prosecution in the International Criminal Court, Marjorie Cohn, 25 Sept
Il faut soutenir la r�sistance irakienne, Interview avec Pietro Ingrao, 25 Sept
The Progress of Disaster, Christian Parenti, 24 Sept
In Defiance of US Veto, UN General Assembly Defends President Arafat , 24 Sept
Bush administration veto of UN Security Council resolution forbidding the assassination of Yasser Arafat is a scandal of historic dimensions, Gush Shalom,  24 Sept
War and "Terror" and the World Economy, C. P. Chandrasekhar & Jayati Ghosh, 24 Sept
Israeli troops continue West Bank rampage , 24 Sept
The costs of 1991 Gulf War will be borne by the Iraqi people: Iraqi Debt in Excess of $400 billion, Interview with US appointed Minister of Planning, 23 Sept
The Second Looting of Iraq: America puts Iraq up for Sale, Philip Thornton & Andrew Gumbel, 23 Sept
9/11 Israeli Workers received Advanced Warning of 9/11, Yuval Dror, 23 Sept
The Columbia Space Shuttle disaster: science and the profit system, Joseph Kay, 23 Sept
Why Don't We have Answers to these 9/11 Questions, William Bunch, 22 Sept
Colin Powell in Iraq: Exploiting the Dead of Halabja, Kurt Nimmo,  22 Sept
Afghanistan, the Forgotten War, Aijaz Ahmad, 22 Sept
Bush caught in a Lie about WTC Attacks , whatreallyhappened.com, 22 Sept
Bush stated he saw a plane hit the first WTC Tower on TV on the morning of 9/11, yet no TV station had broadcast what he said he saw,  22 Sept
Both Wars were planned in advance before 9/11", Interview with M. Meacher, 20 Sept
September 11th And The Bush Administration, Compelling Evidence for Complicity, Walter E. Davis, 19 Sept
9/11 New Evidence on Collapse of WTC Towers: Arrest the President Now!                                          John Kaminski, 19 Sept
Wesley Clark: The Guy Who Almost Started World War III, Stella Jatras,  19 Sept
Wesley Clark War Crimes amply documented: NATO's War of Aggression against Yugoslavia , Michel Chossudovsky, 19 Sept  [first published 1999]
Who is Wesley Clark?   Stephen Gowans, 19 Sept
9/11 The So-Called "Intelligence Failure" of 9/11 ,  John A. McCurdy
Donald Rumsfeld says our war in Iraq distracts terrorists from America, Stewart Nusbaumer, 19 Sept
Assassinating Arafat: A Disaster Foretold, Uri Avnery, 18 Sept
Colombia: British government giving secret military training, Alfredo Castro, 18 Sept
Sharon�s Tango Mortale, Lev Grinberg, 18 Sept
Retaking land in Colombia, Catherine Millar, 18 Sept
Iraq's Epic Suffering Is Made Invisible, John Pilger, 18 Sept
WTO meeting collapses as trading system begins to crack, Joe Lopez, 18 Sept
Hans Blix, says Iraq destroyed its weapons 10 years ago , 18 Sept
Gen. Wesley Clark -- War Criminal, Don't Be Fooled, Mitchel Cohen, 18 Sept
New Iraqi Constitution a Pretext for Postponing Self-Rule, Enver Masud, 17 Sept
Why is Israel threatening to murder Arafat? 17 Sept
Homeland Security: When The Phoenix Comes Home To Roost, Douglas Valentine, 16 Sept
 "Trois strat�gies pour vaincre l'OMC", Lory Wallach, 16 Sept
Iraq weapons report shelved, David Leppard, 16 Sept
Former CIA agent tells: How US infiltrates "civil society" to overthrow governments, Philip Agee, 15 Sept
Neo-cons have hijacked US foreign policy, Robert Kuttner, 15 Sept
"Homeland Defense" and the Militarisation of America, Frank Morales, 15 Sept
Iraq: Secret slaughter by night, lies and blind eyes by day, Robert Fisk, 15 Sept
9/09-9/11 The Assassination of Ahmad Shah Massoud, Paul Wolf , 14 Sept
Physician makes air marshals rethink racial profiling, Tanya Albert, 14 Sept
9/11  The Buried Legacy of the Original Ground Zero , Gary North, 14 Sept
9/11 and the WTO: The Twin Terrors: Neoliberal Globalization and the War Against Humanity, Aziz Choudry, 14 Sept
Dems Scrap Plans To Look Into Claims White House Manipulated Intel On Iraqi Threat, Jason Leopold, 14 Sept
***Understanding 9/11 The Pentagon�s secret alliance with Al Qaeda allowed Mujahideen fighters to be flown into Bosnia: How we trained al-Qaeda, Brendan O�Neill, 13 Sept
Military Families Speak Out , 13 Sept
The true "servants of evil", Bev Conover, 13 Sept
11 septembre 1973, Salvador Allende, dernier discours avant le crime , 13 sept
9/11 11 things to Remember on September 11, Jan Oberg, 12 Sept
9/11 Reflections on September 11, Chuck Kaufman, 12 Sept
The UN has supported and legitimised the US-UK Occupation of Iraq:  The UN - just there to help? David Chandler, 12 Sept
9/11/73 AUDIO: Audio of Allende's Last Radio Speech before his the military coup on Sept 11 1973 (Spanish), 11 Sept
9/11/01 September 11: Folly Taken to a Scale We Haven't Seen Since WWII, Robert Fisk, 11 Sept
Secret Bilateral US-UK Missile Defense Plan , 11 Sept
Sept. 11 Attacks and Posner�s Fairy Tales, Khaled Al-Maeena, 11 Sept
State terrorism: Colombia on a hidden campaign of killing against teachers , 11 Sept
9/11/73: Chile, September 11, 1973: The Ingredients of a Military Coup , Michel Chossudovsky, 10 Sept   [paper written in Santiago de Chile in September 1973]
9/11/73: The Chile Coup -- The U.S. Hand, Peter Kornbluh, 10 Sept
How the Bush Family Wealth is Linked to the Jewish Holocaust, Toby Rogers, 10 Sept
9/10/01: Osama bin Laden's Whereabouts were known: admitted to Pakistani Military hospital on 9/10, less than 24 hours before the terrorist attacks, 10 Sept [ first published in Jan 2002]
9/09/01: Shah Masood, leader of the Northern Alliance assassinated two days before 9/11, Michel Chossudovsky,  9 Sept
How Bush Administration's Opposition to the International Criminal Court Has Put Peacekeepers and Others in Danger, Marjorie Cohn, 9 Sept
State Terrorism and September 11, 1973 & 2001, Roger Burbach, 9 Sept
Democratic presidential candidates back US occupation of Iraq, Patrick Martin, 9 Sept
"The UN failed the Iraqi people", Denis Halliday, 9 Sept
In Defense of Yasir Arafat, Jude Wanniski, 9 Sept
Coca-Killer: Why Colombian unionists call for an international boycott of Coca-Cola, Wayne Platts, 8 Sept
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coaltion responds to President Bush's National TV Address of September 7, 8 Sept
Souring Budget Deficit: Empty Lives and Crumbling Infrastructure in America, John Stanton, 8 Sept
***Did a Secret Military Experiment Cause the 2003 Blackout? 7 Sept
Neoliberalism and US Sponsored State Terrorism: Colombian state oil company under attack, Wayne Platts, 7 Sept
The Bush Folly: Between Iraq and a Hard Place, Stan Goff, 7 Sept
Bali suspect attacks West's leaders, BBC, 7 Sept
Former UK Minister of Environment speaks out: This War on Terrorism is Bogus, Michael Meacher, 7 Sept
"Unilateralists" discover the UN: Seek to Rescue Battered Colonial Occupation, Fred Goldstein, 7 Sept
Report from Baghdad: 'This is no Good, Sir!' , Mario Vargas Llosa, 7 Sept
***Al Jazeera on US Occupation of Iraq "Chaos will prolong the US presence" , 5 Sept
First of All - the Wall must Fall! Uri Avnery, 5 Sept
***Did Coalition Forces use Nukes in Iraq? Dangerously High Levels of Radiation Measured Around Baghdad , 5 Sept
We Need Relief for American Troops in Iraq, Senator Byrd, 5 Sept
A Failed Israeli Society Collapses While Its Leaders Remain Silent, Avraham Burg,  5 Sept
Bush pals hired to rewrite Iraqi law, Ben Wootliff, 5 Sept
Demonstration democracy, Bob Fitrakis, 5 Sept
Intelligence Scam: Behind the Scenes in the Belt Way: The Ambassador Wilson Affair: The End of Karl Rove � And George Bush? , Al Martin,  5 Sept
Hutton Inquiry: Witnesses shine light in Downing Street's dark corners, but hard questions remain, Raymond Whitaker & Glen Rangwala, 4 Sept
Australia: Howard's Pacific Colonialism, Iggy Kim, 4 Sept
Pakistan: Musharraf's army breaking ranks, Syed Saleem Shahzad, 4 Sept
Role of UN in Iraq: The Politics of the UN Tragedy, James Petras, 3 Sept
The Cruise Missile Left,  The Nation Magazine's Forum on "Humanitarian Intervention," Edward S. Herman,  3 Sept
Traces of Mossad Agents in Najaf Blast2 Sept
The Najaf Massacre and the National Unity Required in Iraq, Al Ahram,  2 Sept
Winking Out,  Voices of truth drowning beneath tidal wave of trivial sound bites, John Kaminski, 2 Sept
Canada takes leading role in Afghan occupation, Keith Jones, 2 Sept
OMC: Victoire des firmes pharmaceutiques occidentales, Agn�s Bertrand et Raoul Marc Jennar, 1er sept

Copyright �  Centre for Research on Globalisation / Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation,  Montreal, Qc.  2001/2002