The 1994 Rwandan Genocide: The Use of Rwanda's External Debt (1990-1994): The Responsibility of Donors and Creditors
Michel Chossudovsky and Pierre Galand, 30 March |
Le G�nocide de 1994: L'usage de la dette ext�rieure du Rwanda (1990-1994) La responsabilit� des bailleurs de fonds,
Michel Chossudovsky et Pierre Galand, 30 mars |
***9/11: Failure of 9-11 Commission
, Michael Kane, 28 March |
Insider Spills the Beans on Offshore Banking,
interview with Michael Hudson, 28 March |
Globalization: Fighting the US-Thailand Free Trade Agreement,
Aziz Choudry, 28 March |
***The Rwandan Genocide 10 years ago: US was behind Rwandan Genocide,
Michel Chossudovsky, 27 March [repost] |
Rwanda: Shooting Down Of Aircraft Carrying Rwandan President,
Paul Mugabe, 27 March |
Rwanda: Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999,
Wayne Masden, 27 March |
Declassified Docs: The Genocide and the US in Rwanda,
NSA, 27 March |
The Bushes & the bin Ladens. Review Article: A Wolf in Sheikhs Clothing: Bush Business Deals with 9 Partners of bin
Laden�s Banker,
Martin J. Rivers, 27 March |
9/11 Coverup: The Disinformation of Richard Clarke,
Scott Loughrey, 26 March |
Br�sil: Lula autorise la vente et l'exportation de soja transg�nique
, 26 March |
The Global Market Doctrine: A Study in Fundamentalist Theology,
John McMurtry, 26 March |
Part I : Transcript of 9/11 Commission Hearings Testimonies of Madeleine Albright, William Cohen, Thomas Pickering
; Part II: 9/11 Commission Hearings
: Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Richard Armitage, Paul Wolfowitz, General Richard Myers,
25 March |
Iraq War Crimes: Disturbing Picture,
24 March |
***9/11 Commission Hearings are a Coverup: Chairman of 9/11
Commission had business ties with Osama's Brother in Law
, Michel Chossudovsky, 24 March (repost) |
Lying under Oath at the 9/11 Commission: Bush adminstration knew the Whereabouts of Osama,
24 March |
***The 9/11 "Independent" Commission made up of CIA, CFR and White House appointees: Who's
Who on the 9/11 "Independent" Commission,
24 March |
9/11 Commission: Powell, Armitage et al have links to Al Qaeda
, Michel Chossudovsky |
Intelligence Ploy behind "Suicide bombings": "Operation Justified Vengeance": a Secret Plan to Destroy
the Palestinian Authority,
Ellis Shuman, [repost], 24 March |
Brazilian Fiscal Conservatives in Lula's Government Under Attack along with IMF
, Roger Burbach, 24 March |
Assasination of Ahmed Yassin: Hamas is a Creation of Mossad!
Hassane Zerouky, 23 March |
Israel's Hamas,
George Szamuely, 23 March |
Sharon War Plan Exposed: Hamas Gang Is His Tool,
Jeffrey Steinberg, 23 March |
Hamas and Israel unite against Arafat,
Dmitry Litvinovich, 23 March |
Sharon�s Tango Mortale,
Lev Grinberg, 23 March |
Israeli Roots of Hamas are being exposed,
Dean Andromidas, 23 March (reposted articles)I
9/11: Was the CIA running a terrorist flight school?
Daniel Hopsicker, 23 March |
9-11 Profiteering: A Framework for Building the "Cui Bono?" UnAnswered Questions,
Catherine Austin Fitts, 22 March |
9/11: What Happened to Flight 93,
Richard Wallace, 22 March |
False Flag Operation: Intel Expert Says 9/11 Looks Like A Hollywood Show,
Christopher Bollyn, 22 March |
Israeli policy in Gaza: Sharon's Disengagement
, Tanya Reinhart, 22 March |
Kosovo : strat�gie secr�te des USA
, Michel Collon et Vanessa Stojilkovic, 22 mars |
***9/11: LIVE VIDEO: Sen. Hillary Clinton confirmed in June 2002 that Attorney General Ashcroft "decided not to fly commercially, based on assessment of existing threat
level.� in month preceding 9/11
, Snowshoe Films, 21 March |
Diebold, electronic voting & right-wing conspiracy: Death of a patriot: No more
, Bob Fitrakis, 21 March |
Cheney Covered Up Pakistan's Nuclear Proliferation when He Was Secretary of Defense,
Jason Leopold, 21 March |
3/11 -- The Madrid 'Terrorist' Attacks,
Observations, 21 March |
*** Video The 9/11 Victims families sue George W: Ellen Mariani and Lawyer Phil Berg
, Video: Phil Berg speaking in Kansas City on 9/11
, [quicktime] 20 March |
Factory Farming: The Contagion of Free Trade,
Vandana Shiva, 20 March |
***Pentagon�s Diabolical Intelligence Operation in Afghanistan: Kidnapping and deporting civilians
to Guantanamo, providing a safe-haven to Al Qaeda fighters,
Michel Chossudovsky, 19 March |
Guantanamo: How we survived jail hell
, 19 March |
Tokyo War Crimes Indictment against George W. Bush
, International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan, 19 March |
How the U.S. impoverished Haiti
, J. Damu, 19 March |
New Revelations on Rwanda Genocide: UN probing how 'black box' from Rwanda came into its possession,
Fred Eckhard, 19 March |
"Progressive internationalism.": preserve U.S. power around the world, but in a kinder, gentler fashion: 'It's
Time to Get Over It'. John Kerry Tells Antiwar Movement to Move On,
Mark Hand, 18 March |
"Never in my life have I witnessed a president... so threatening to our future and so abusive in his use of power." The
Struggle for Equal Rights,
Barbra Streisand, 18 March |
New Pentagon Papers: High-ranking military officer reveals how Defense Department extremists suppressed information & twisted
the truth to drive the country to war,
Karen Kwiatkowski, 18 March |
Third Possibility In Madrid Bombings,
18 March |
The U.S. Global Empire
, Laurence M. Vance, 18 March |
World Court of Women on US War Crimes
, 18 March |
***On March 11 about 200 people were killed in Madrid in a bomb attack closely resembling the
bombing of Bologna railway station in Italy, more than 20 years ago,
review of PhilipWillan's The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy, 14 March |
Lockerbie: CIA witness gagged by US government
, 14 March |
Pentagon's homeland defense chief predicts long war on terror,
Chris Strohm, 14 March |
Leading British Medical Specialists question Hutton findings: Medical evidence does not support suicide by Kelly
, 13 March |
US Intelligence Ploy: America's goal is to create sectarian violence across Iraq,, 13 March |
Justice Antonin Scalia is George Bush's man on the Supreme Court!
Mick Youther, 12 March |
***US Led Military Coup in Haiti, INN TV Interview with Michel Chossudovsky
(Real Video), includes Reader of news & background articles on Haiti,
12 March |
***Financial Bonanza behind 9/11 Tragedy:: Who are the Financial
Actors behind the WTC?
Michel Chossudovsky, 12 March |
Radio Interview with Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide,
Pacifica (audio), 12 March |
Aristide Under Lock & Key,
Haiti Alert, 12 March |
UK Coroner Cover-up: No Inquest for Dr. Kelly,
Rowena Thursby, 5 March |
Media Lies: Jean Bertrand Aristide: Humanist Or Despot?
Lynn Duff, 4 March |
US War on Colombian Rebels escalates,
Mark Almberg, 4 March |
Les dessous du coup d��tat am�ricain en Ha�ti,
Pierre Dubuc, 4 March |
Stopping the 9-11 Cover Up is Ground Zero for the Peace Effort,
William Douglas, 4 March |
Mars: A Water World? Evidence Mounts, But Scientists Remain Tight-Lipped,
Leonard David, 4 March |
***Franco-US Plot: President Aristide forced on a plane at gunpoint: Haitians in Haiti are
being slaughtered
, Marguerite Laurent, 2 March |
US Troops arrested and deported Aristide,
2 March |