15- 30 April / avril 2004 |
US officer threatens to turn Fallujah into �a killing field�,
James Conachy, 30 April |
Video: Torture of POWs in Iraq: BBC News Report
Just Who is John Negroponte?
Jude Wanniski, 29 April |
Bertrand Russell Tribunal: Bush Cabal Plotted War on Iraq Years ago,
Sara Flounders, 29 April |
Georgia: Another US Colony,
Lenora Foerstel, 27 April |
Who removed Aristide?
by Paul Farmer, 27 April |
New Evidence on Srebrenica: General Philippe Morillon�s Testimony at the Hague Tribunal (ICTY),
Carl Savich, 26 April |
Detailed Study: How China's views the Human Rights Record of the US
, 25 April |
Israel's Nuclear Option: Vanunu, The Terrible Secret,
Uri Avnery, 25 April |
Keep Your Eye on Ahmed Chalabi
, Jude Wanniski, 25 April |
US officer threatens to turn Fallujah into �a killing field�,
James Conachy, 25 April |
***Pre-9/11 World Trade Center Power-Down
, Victor Thorn, 24 April |
Bush appoints a Terrorist as US Ambassador to Iraq
, Michel Chossudovsky, 24 April |
Haitians Under the Gun Getting the Word Out on Cell Phone
, Lyn Duff and Dennis Bernstein, 24 April |
Uncovering the 9/11 Legend: Who Bombed the U.S. World Trade Center? � 1993,
Ralph Schoenman (initially published in 1993), 23 April |
Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism
, COAT, 23 April |
US destroying Fallujah homes
, 22 April |
The Palestinians are imprisoned from all Sides: What Kind of State Deserves to Exist?
Tanya Reinhart, 21 April |
Will the 2004 Election Be Called Off? Why Three Out of Four Experts Predict a Terrorist Attack by November
, Maureen Farrell, 21 April |
Was Srebrenica a Hoax? Eye-Witness Account of a Former UN Military Observer in Bosnia,
Carlos Martins Branco, 20 April |
Mordechai Vanunu released after 18 years in prison for revealing Israel's nuclear arms program. The Vanunu
Revelations and Israel's Nuclear Weapons,
John Steinbach, 19 April [first posted in March 2002], 20 April |
War Crimes: NATO Willfully Triggered an Environmental Catastrophe in Yugoslavia,
Michel Chossudovsky, 20 April [ first published in 2000]. |
A Call for an Exit Door from Iraq
, Senator R. Byrd, 19 April |
Iraq Occupation Policy Under John Kerry,
Abu Spinoza, 19 April |
Support the Iraqi Resistance Movement!
James Petras, 19 April |
***Iraq and the "War on Terrorism",
Michel Chossudovsky, 17 April |
Excerpts of the April 2004 Osama Tape,
17 April |
***Remember Fallujah!
Felicity Arbuthnot, 17 April |
Transcript of August 6 2001 intelligence briefing (PDB) for President George W. Bush: "Bin Ladin Determined To
Strike in US"
, 16 April |
Report from Fallujah -- Destroying a Town in Order to "Save" it,
Rahul Mahajan, 16 April |
Carlyle Group to Meet behind Closed Doors US Arms Group Heads for Lisbon
, 16 April |
Iraq: This is a war of liberation and we are the enemy. Get Out Now!
John Pilger, 16 April |
1 - 14 April / avril 2004 |
We Had To Destroy [Fill in Country Name] In Order To Save It,
Edward S. Herman, 13 April |
Is the US Planting WMDs in Iraq?
13 April |
The 9/11 Commission; Lies a Sixth Grader Would Not Accept,
Michael C. Ruppert, 12 April |
***Massacres of Civilians: Eyewitness Accounts from Faluja
, Ewa Jasiewicz, 11 April |
Shaky ceasefire underway in Falluja
, 11 April |
The War's One Simple Truth: Iraqis Do Not Want Us,
Robert Fisk, 11 April |
***Foreknowledge is a Red Herring: In 1997 the Republican Party in an official
Congressional document accused President Clinton of working hand in glove with Al Qaeda
, 11 April |
***NATO War Crimes and Links to Al Qaeda confirmed by former UN Commander in the Balkans: We bombed the Wrong Side?
Lewis MacKenzie, 11 April |
Timeline of the War and its Aftermath: Iraq Day by Day,
Bo Elkj�r, 11 April |
Open Letter to National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice
, Catherine Austin Fitts, 10 April |
End the Massacre in Falluja ! Arr�tez le massacre � Falloujah !
10 April |
***The 9/11 Commission: Key Articles
, 9 April |
***Testimony of Condoleezza Rice Before the 9/11 Commission
, 9 April |
***Former FBI translator says Rice lied about government knowledge of terrorist
threats, What did Bush and Rice know of the September 11 plot?
Patrick Martin, 6 April |
Rwanda Cover-Up US and Rwanda Patrotic Front (RPF) Planned and Launched Aircraft Attack,
Wayne Madsen, 6 April [first published in 2000 repost] |
DU: Bombs and bullets can kill years after the battles have ended, by
leaving behind toxins and contaminants,
Marc Airhart, 6 April |
Operation Iraqi Bloodbath: US prepares reprisals against uprising,
James Conachy, 6 April |
Will the 2004 Election Be Called Off? Why Three Out of Four Experts Predict a Terrorist Attack by November,
Maureen Farrell, 6 April |
***The Spoils of War: Afghanistan's Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade,
Michel Chossudovsky, 5 April |
Former terrorism aide charges Bush manufactured case for Iraq war,
Patrick Martin, 4 April |
Iraqi intellectuals flee 'death squads'
Ahmed Janabi, 3 April |
Foreknoweldge of 9./11: Ten Months before 9/11 the Pentagon organizes an emergency drill of a terrorist attack on the
Dennis Ryan, 3 April |
The Whistleblower the White House wants to silence: 'I saw papers that show US knew al-Qa'ida would attack cities
with aeroplanes
, Andrew Buncombe, 3 April |
Skull and Bones: The Secret Society that ties Bush and Kerry,
Charles Laurence, 2 April |
9/11: Transcript of Condoleezza Rice's May 16th 2002 Press Conference was manipulated
[repost], 2 April |
L'enqu�te sur l'attentat qui fit basculer le Rwanda dans le g�nocide
, 2 avril |
Iraqi hatred for US occupation erupts in Fallujah,
James Conachy, 2 April |
9/11 Commission: Chairman Kean's Link to bin Laden's Brother-in-law,
Tom Flocco, 2 April |
Brazil: Declassified NA Docs: US Role in 1964 Military Coup
, 2 April |
Afghanistan: Return of the jihadis,
Syed Saleem Shahzad, 2 April |
***Media Disinformation on Madrid Bombings: Madrid 'blueprint': a dodgy document
, Brendan O'Neilly, 1 April |
***Sgt. Camilo Mejia: First Iraqi War Veteran to Refuse Further Military Service
, 1 April |
Israel: Political Assassination and International Law,
Tanya Reinhart, 1 April |
Kidnapping of President Jean Bertrand Aristide Violates International Law and US Law,
Marjorie Cohn, 1 April |